Diversity Equity
& Inclusion
We understand that equity, diversity and inclusion are the foundation of a modern business.

Finding the leaders of tomorrow
As of now, less than 10% of FTSE 100-listed companies are led by a female CEO, and non-white ethnicities, people with disability and people who identify as LGBT+ are underrepresented at the executive leadership levels. We have seen from our own research that non-white and non-male populations face a long list of barriers in their career progression, making their way to the top of the corporate ladder longer and more challenging than needs to be.
We want to change that.
Having a diverse senior leadership team sends a powerful message that different perspectives and backgrounds are valued, fostering a culture of inclusivity throughout the organisation. This, in turn, attracts diverse talent and enhances diversity across all levels, creating a stronger and more dynamic workforce. What’s more, diverse teams perform better and can greatly enhance overall business performance.
Strength lies in differences, not in similarities.
Stephen Covey
diversity is bigger than race and gender
It is also about family, educational and career background amongst many other nuances. We use our DE&I reporting capabilities to drive change and ensure that our clients consider the widest possible pool of candidates in our shortlists. We have the courage to challenge person and job specifications that revert to type and influence our clients’ thinking.